Frequently Asked Questions
We get asked questions all the time.
People love our custom work and want to know more about our concrete countertops, sinks and furniture.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
FAQ By Topic
Is concrete heavier than other slab materials?
We formulate our concrete to be approximately 18 pounds per square foot at our standard 1½ inch thickness, which is comparable to other slab materials.
Does concrete stain?
Similar to marble, concrete can stain when it is not cared for. If acidic substances such as wine, coffee or citrus are left unattended for long periods of time (more than 3 hours) they may mar or stain the surface. It is best to clean up spills as they occur.
Also, unglazed ceramic will compete for moisture in the concrete and can leave a mark. We recommend you place felt or silicone pads to the bottom or any unglazed ceramics before leaving them on your concrete.
I've heard that concrete countertops crack. Does your concrete crack?
Seldom, but occasionally, yes...but not like you think. Concrete got a bad reputation decades ago when it became more seriously considered as a countertop material. Basically, the average construction worker would buy a cheap bag of concrete from a home improvement store, cast a small slab in place (on top of cabinets), seal with a cheap sealer, and call it a concrete countertop. Unfortunately, there are still guys doing this. The concrete being used in this way typically tests out at 3,000 PSI. It's low-strength concrete that is similar to that which is used to make your driveway or sidewalks. It's destined to fail and there are plenty of examples of this kind of substandard work out there. Honestly, it's these examples of poor craftsmanship that pose one of the greatest challenges to a business like ours. Simply put, our concrete is stronger because the mix design is far more advanced. We use a proprietary UHPC (Ultra High Performance Concrete) and it tests out around 20,000 PSI. (Nothing in our concrete comes from Lowe's or Home Depot!) In the last several years, advancements in mix designs and sealer technology have changed the game for concrete artisans, and we utilize state-of-the-art products and best practices to achieve a product you can trust and an aesthetic you'll love.
Now back the question... Yes, all concrete cracks. The difference is that our concrete is very dense and fiber-rich. The fibers act as shrinkage reducers that keeps most of the cracks at the microscopic level. There is the small possibility for hairline stress cracks to form in weak areas of the slabs, like the thin areas in the front and back of a sink cutout. These stress cracks are not structural and will not hurt the structural integrity of your countertop (and are rarely visible to the untrained eye). Most of the time they develop from the countertop flexing while being put in place. An actual "crack" where the slab is severed all the way through and starts to separate from itself, would be covered under warranty and the slab would be remade. But unless your guests are dancing on your bar or countertop, this is incredibly unlikely to happen.
Will my concrete patina?
With time and use, vapors and salts moving through the concrete can bring about beautiful, natural light and dark patterns that tell the story of a piece well loved.
How much does custom artisan concrete cost?
Every project is different. Our pricing starts at $110 per sq/ft and increases with complexity and size. Mistakenly, some believe that artisan concrete surfaces should be inexpensive because concrete itself is cheap – it’s just a bag of concrete, right? The experienced skill and required technology to turn concrete into a durable and beautiful product is a refined craft and the material cost has very little to do with the cost and quality of the finished product. Violins and 2x4s are both made out of wood, but you would not expect them to cost the same.